Agile Cambridge

Website design & build for popular Cambridge event

Eventbrite integration for event ticket sales

Bespoke Drupal build

Version control configuration

Agile Cambridge is a renowned conference dedicated to Agile software development and Scrum project management. We created a professional and intuitive website to showcase the event sessions and drive ticket sales. Prioritising adaptability, the website allows the Agile Cambridge team to effortlessly update event schedules and speaker information as changes arise.

The website is built on the Drupal platform. With it’s extensive features around configuration management it allows us to maintain a core set of features across numerous event website projects, whilst still allowing unique style and content per event.

Churchill College Cambridge

The Agile Cambridge event has taken place at Churchill College in recent years which provides the perfect setting and backdrop to a vibrant event. The website is designed to e provide users with engaging content relating to the packed programme of inspiring sessions.